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Introduction of Automobile Mould Investment

It is understood that at present, the molds for automobile service in China have accounted for about one third of the total mold output. Among the automobile molds that account for one third of the total amount of molds, stamping molds account for about half. Therefore, it can be seen that automobile stamping molds play an important role in the mold industry and automobile industry. Automobile mould is also Huangyan mould. With the continuous development of the mould industry, automobile mould has played an important role in the domestic mould industry.
Ten years ago, China's automobile mould (Huangyan mould) was mainly a landmark enterprise in the industry with the mould teams of FAW, FAW, Tianqi, NAC, Chengfei and Taiwan. Today, the investment in automobile mould is booming, the number of automobile mould enterprises has grown to dozens, and a number of rapidly rising private enterprises have a considerable scale. In terms of technology and production capacity, these enterprises have greatly exceeded the landmark enterprises of that year. The development of Huangyan mould in automobile mould in recent years shows a good trend.
At present, the development trend of China's automobile industry is good. China's automobile sales volume is increasing at a rate of 26% every year, and the scale of automobile parts is larger than that of the whole vehicle. 90% of these parts are produced by molds, which is beneficial to promote the development of China's automobile mold industry. According to statistics, in recent years, the expansion scale of China's mold factories has shown an increasing trend, with an annual new investment of about 700 billion yuan, of which about 40% are automobile mold factories, indicating that automobile mold investment has become one of the main forces of China's mold industry investment.
China's automobile mould and automobile started almost at the same time. In 1953, FAW tool factory began to establish a die workshop. At that time, the design capacity was 320000 man hours per year, mainly undertaking the manufacturing of small and medium-sized dies and the maintenance of large panel dies. In the 21st century, China's automobile mould industry has developed greatly. The design and manufacture of car panel die has the characteristics of great difficulty and high quality and precision requirements, which is the best embodiment of the level of automobile die.
(reprinted from Baidu Encyclopedia)

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